Being stuck is not a good feeling .... it puts you on a wild rollercoaster of emotions. Being stagnant sends waiting adoptive families into a craze. All of the fears you have for your child, for the process, for the future ... they all start to float to the front of your consciousness.
- Is he going to be eligible for the surgery he so desperately needs?
- What will his future be like - will he ever be able to walk, talk, sing, jump, run, play without constant assistance?
- Will the funding to continue this process be available when it is needed?
- Will I be the mother that he really needs?
- When I go to China, will I have everything he needs?
- Do I actually try to take a wheelchair to China when I finally get to go get him?
- If I take a wheelchair, how will I transport it around the country without it being broken?
- Will I be able to find foods that he likes once we are home?
SO, yes, my mind is in overdrive ....
In order to help support this process, I have been working 6 days/week ... but I constantly feel like it is not enough. Working 6-10 hrs. Monday - Saturday week in and week out begins to wear on a person, but it is a necessity. Being single in this process is not for the faint of heart. It's not like buying a car where you have 3-5 years to pay it off ... this is handing over $35,000 in 1 year, broken into 3-5 payments, some are larger than others. I am praying that the upcoming fundraisers will be profitable as funding is scary in this process ...
I have gotten 3/4 of his room painted in preparation for the Dr. Seuss amazement. I still have 1 more wall to finish and a few finishing touches, but I really am excited about it. I can't wait for it to be finished and put back together.

For those interested, I am having a Premier Jewelry Party locally at the beginning of next month and I would love to see you guys there (specific details will be posted soon). For the people outside of NW Arkansas, you can participate as well and earn some free jewelry! If you collect $150 or more in orders, you will receive this beautiful necklace:
Please let me know if you are interested and I will get you the information/catalogues/order forms, etc. This jewelry is great quality for low prices and there is something for everyone! Please consider sharing this with your close friends/co-workers/family, etc because every little bit helps! :)
Other things in the pipeline: Possible raffle for a Lillebaby Essentials baby carrier, possible online auction, Painting for a Cause night (details to be released soon), Cookout and Wacky Olympics.
Prayer Requests:
- That Sunshine's file is FINALLY ready, translated, give to my adoption agency and I can finally request to be matched with him.
- That my homestudy report be finalized so that things can begin to move forward and I will no longer be "stuck"
- Sunshine will continue to thrive and remain healthy
- That I will find peace with all my worries and concerns, giving them to Him to be my rock.
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