I started this morning on this high of knowing that his file has FINALLY made it to the Chinese Government ... but then it was kinda thwarted finding out that it will take 2 months to get translated and given to my adoption agency. However, I am so very thankful and happy that it is FINALLY moving forward. MAYBE we will both be ready and in China at the same time.
The final tally for the Rummage sale was $2,175.27!! I am so, so very thankful for everyone who helped and donated their items, time and/or money!! My words can really not express enough how I feel!
Stay tuned, I will be announcing another fundraiser soon - there are gifts to be earned based on who raises money ... and it involves bling ... :)
The next BIG expenses include:
$3,250 for Adoption Agency Fees #2
$1,550 for Submitting my Dossier to China (all the paperwork to apply for the Adoption on the China Side)
$5,400 Orphanage Fee to be paid to China
Every little bit helps, and any fundraising ideas you may have, I would love to hear them!!!
I am so thankful for everyones help and prayers!!!
much love and thanks!!!
The Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow
Psalm 146:9
Spreading the love and word of a special needs child in China who I am desperately trying to bring back to Northwest Arkansas. This child is worthy of much love!
Love china

Monday, April 25, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Thankful and Future Endeavours
This past weekend was the rummage sale ... it was a HUGE success!!! We were able to raise just over $2000 from generous donors (both those who donated items and those who came and purchased things).
I am so very thankful to EVERYONE who came together to make it a success, specifically my Mom who came in town for 4 days to help me prepare. I also have to thank all the friends who came over several times last week and during the rummage sale to help me price, arrange and sell the items that were donated.
I still have MANY items (over half a garage full) left over from the rummage sale. I will be having another garage sale THIS Saturday & Sunday afternoons ... feel free to stop by if you were unable to come out this past weekend!! :)
I found out last week that the foster facility that Sunshine is currently at is going to open a new location and I am so thrilled!! This means that they will be able to help and serve more children who have medical needs!! I have graciously been given the opportunity to travel to China in the summer with another therapist from John Hopkins to help train new therapists, further the education of the therapists already working and to visit local orphanages .... I cannot wait for this!!!
I have already begun collecting needed medical items through donations from various companies. I am so thankful how receptive these companies have been to the cause, willing to send their products free of charge! We are currently looking for corporate sponsors to help us with the costs of flights, cost of staying in China during this adventure and shipping all of the donations to China. If you happen to have any leads on companies that would be willing to help (donating clothing, toys, medical equipment, liquid thickener, cover shipping needs and/or providing grants), I would greatly appreciate it!!
I cannot explain how amazing this experience has been so far or how thankful I am for being provided with the opportunity to give back to the facility that has literally saved my son's life ... no amount of volunteering, gathering donations or facilitating sponsorship for this amazing organization will ever be enough to repay them!!
Praises: The rummage sale went amazingly well and I am SO thankful for all the support I have gotten.
Prayer Requests:
- That the finishing of the rummage sale this coming weekend will go well.
- That we WILL be able to find corporate sponsors to help us get to China in the summer
- That paperwork will continue to move forward smoothly for the adoption process (written up home study report should be completed soon)
I am so very thankful to EVERYONE who came together to make it a success, specifically my Mom who came in town for 4 days to help me prepare. I also have to thank all the friends who came over several times last week and during the rummage sale to help me price, arrange and sell the items that were donated.
I still have MANY items (over half a garage full) left over from the rummage sale. I will be having another garage sale THIS Saturday & Sunday afternoons ... feel free to stop by if you were unable to come out this past weekend!! :)
I found out last week that the foster facility that Sunshine is currently at is going to open a new location and I am so thrilled!! This means that they will be able to help and serve more children who have medical needs!! I have graciously been given the opportunity to travel to China in the summer with another therapist from John Hopkins to help train new therapists, further the education of the therapists already working and to visit local orphanages .... I cannot wait for this!!!
I have already begun collecting needed medical items through donations from various companies. I am so thankful how receptive these companies have been to the cause, willing to send their products free of charge! We are currently looking for corporate sponsors to help us with the costs of flights, cost of staying in China during this adventure and shipping all of the donations to China. If you happen to have any leads on companies that would be willing to help (donating clothing, toys, medical equipment, liquid thickener, cover shipping needs and/or providing grants), I would greatly appreciate it!!
I cannot explain how amazing this experience has been so far or how thankful I am for being provided with the opportunity to give back to the facility that has literally saved my son's life ... no amount of volunteering, gathering donations or facilitating sponsorship for this amazing organization will ever be enough to repay them!!
Praises: The rummage sale went amazingly well and I am SO thankful for all the support I have gotten.
Prayer Requests:
- That the finishing of the rummage sale this coming weekend will go well.
- That we WILL be able to find corporate sponsors to help us get to China in the summer
- That paperwork will continue to move forward smoothly for the adoption process (written up home study report should be completed soon)
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Welcome to My Home
Well, I must say that this week has been a little crazy!
Tuesday was my 31st birthday and I can't begin to explain how blessed I was!! Friends brought me breakfast and treats at work and the day ended with a huge cookie cake!
Wednesday was the beginning of my home study, which seemed to go well. My social worker was at my home from 6-6:45 pm on Wednesday and 10-1 on Thursday. I am very happy that it is over, I now just have to wait for the write up, which make take 2 months or more.
As things move forward, I get slightly more excited, anxious and confident. I am so incredibly excited to have Sunshine in my arms, to hold him, hug him, kiss him and comfort him. I am anxious about how much longer it will be, all of the fundraising that needs to be done between now and then, about his file being made and if Sunshine will be eligible for the surgery he needs. I am confident that this is what I should be doing, not waiting until I am in a "different stage of life", waiting until I'm married, or waiting until something else is "falling into place". I am stepping out in faith and praying that things will be come together at the appropriate times.
Since Thursday I have been sorting through donated items for the rummage sale. People have been SO generous and words cannot begin to explain how thankful I am!! If you have any items you would be willing to donate to the Adoption Rummage Sale, please let me know You can email me at if you need me to pick up items for the rummage sale!
PLEASE PLEASE share the following info with your friends and family in NWA:
Tuesday was my 31st birthday and I can't begin to explain how blessed I was!! Friends brought me breakfast and treats at work and the day ended with a huge cookie cake!
Wednesday was the beginning of my home study, which seemed to go well. My social worker was at my home from 6-6:45 pm on Wednesday and 10-1 on Thursday. I am very happy that it is over, I now just have to wait for the write up, which make take 2 months or more.
As things move forward, I get slightly more excited, anxious and confident. I am so incredibly excited to have Sunshine in my arms, to hold him, hug him, kiss him and comfort him. I am anxious about how much longer it will be, all of the fundraising that needs to be done between now and then, about his file being made and if Sunshine will be eligible for the surgery he needs. I am confident that this is what I should be doing, not waiting until I am in a "different stage of life", waiting until I'm married, or waiting until something else is "falling into place". I am stepping out in faith and praying that things will be come together at the appropriate times.
Since Thursday I have been sorting through donated items for the rummage sale. People have been SO generous and words cannot begin to explain how thankful I am!! If you have any items you would be willing to donate to the Adoption Rummage Sale, please let me know You can email me at if you need me to pick up items for the rummage sale!
PLEASE PLEASE share the following info with your friends and family in NWA:
April 16, 2016 6am -??
Corner of John Rollow Dr & SE 28th St.
Bentonville, Arkansas
Praises: The Home Study is on it's way to being completed!! This is a huge step forward!!
Prayer requests:
- The Rummage Sale has a good collection of things for people to choose from
- That people are able to volunteer the day of the fundraiser to assist throughout the day
- That the rummage sale is successful
- That Sunshine remains healthy and happy, knowing that he is loved.
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