Dear restless heart, be still; don't fret and worry so;
God has a thousand ways His love and help to show;
Just trust, and trust, and trust, until His will you know.
Dear restless heart, be still, for peace is God's own smile,
His love can every wrong and sorrow reconcile;
Just love, and love, and love, and calmly wait awhile.
Dear restless heart, be brave; don't moan and sorrow so,
He hath a meaning kind in chilly winds that blow;
Just hope, and hope, and hope, until you braver grow.
Dear restless heart, repose upon His breast this hour,
His grace is strength and life, His love is bloom and flower;
Just rest, and rest, and rest, within His tender power.
Dear restless heart, be still! Don't struggle to be free;
God's life is in your life, from Him you may not flee;
Just pray, and pray, and pray, till you have faith to see.
--Edith Willis Linn
This week has been an absolute emotional rollercoaster ... since last Thursday I have been questioning if this entire adoption process was going to fall apart in front of my eyes. My financials were being looked over, everything from what I owe on my house, car & student loans to what my house & car are worth, how much is currently in my bank account and how much my average bills are per month. Adoption is definitely an "invasion of privacy" to say the least.
God moved mountains today!!! The adoption agency was able to speak to the CCCWA and ask in general terms if someone was trying to adopt a child with multiple needs (who would end up costing China a lot of money to care fore throughout the years) and had my financial outlook, would they be allowed to continue on with an adoption. CCCWA said that they would be looking at the entire picture - not just the financial statements. PTL!!! This is DEFINITELY a positive thing!! The good thing about the Chinese culture is that typically there is no "beating around the bush" when it comes to answering tough questions ... if it was going to be a likely 'no' answer, then you would be told so.
So, what is going to happen now?? The adoption agency wants to start pushing everything through ASAP ... getting things rolling as QUICKLY as possible - pushing to get everything done and on its way to China in the next 3-4 months ... 3-4 months!!!! This means .. MASSIVE fundraising needs to happen!
I am still selling the ApParent Bracelets, Necklaces & Earrings - but they will be returned in the next couple of weeks. I would MUCH prefer to sell these to give money to families in need in Haiti and raise some money for the adoption than have to send jewelry back ... so please consider purchasing these for gifts for your friends, family, etc. email me @: with your orders
The T-shirt Fundraiser is still going, but we MUST sell at least 11 shirts by February 27th or they will not be printed. If you would like one of the very first Worthy of Much Love shirts, get your orders in today!!!
If you would rather, and can, just donate to the cause - please feel free to do so in one of the following 3 ways:
Pure Charity provides donors a way to ensure that funds will be utilized directly for the adoption. These funds are held by Pure Charity until the adoption agency requests them, they are then sent directly to the adoption agency. Also, donors are able to get a tax credit since Pure Charity is a 501(c) non-profit.
YouCaring allows CrowdFunding but the funds are sent directly to the savings account set up for this adoption specifically. These funds will help cover adoption costs, in-country expenses, flights and (if there is excess funds) surgical costs that Sunshine will need once home.
And, as always, you can donate directly into the adoption savings account by donating to the PayPal account: PayPal.Me/worthyofmuchlove
- THIS ADOPTION IS GOING ON!!!! Thank goodness!!
- So many people have been praying for this process to continue and for that I cannot be thankful enough!!
Prayer Request:
- For Sunshine to continue to thrive, be loved, happy and healthy
- That this process will continue to move forward with as few "hiccups" as possible
- That I will be able to remain calm, level headed and with minimal anxiety as the process rolls forward
This is such exciting news!!! God is so good!