I got news today that I can FINALLY start moving forward with this adoption process!!
Just in time for Chinese New Year Celebrations to begin next week ... it's time to party (and begin mountains of paperwork) ... but I say, LET'S DO THIS!!!!
I got that email today from the adoption agency (was completely unexpected since the person I have been working with doesn't typically work on Tuesdays) ... and I couldn't believe what I was reading!! HOORAY!!!!
On top of all of that excitement ... We also have a Date, Time and Location for the first activity fundraiser!! EVERYONE should get excited about this one!!! Here are the details .....
Chinese New Year Dinner & Trivia Night!!
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Lin's Garden
2101 SW Walton Blvd
Bentonville, AR 72712
Trivia Tickets are $10 per trivia player or $18 per couple.
Rules of Trivia:
10 people MAX per team
I will be pre-selling tickets in order to get a head-count. Lin's Garden has both a buffet and a menu in which you can order from (cost of food is not covered by cost of trivia ticket).
If you would like to get a/some ticket(s) please comment at the bottom or e-mail me at worthyofmuchlove@gmail.com.
I can't wait to have a fantastic, fun night full of fellowship and TRIVIA!!! (no, I couldn't think of any more words that began with the letter 'f' that would fit in my sentence)
On a more "informative" note, I thought I would take the time to give you some information on the little one that we are work towards bring home to NW Arkansas. :)
For those who do not know, this little guy has been through a lot in his short lifetime... He was abandoned at 4 months old, left at a hospital due to his medical conditions. He has severe hydrocephalus (increased fluid in his skull). The orphanage that he was taken to after he was abandoned was unable to care for his needs, so a specialized foster facility was contacted who specializes in getting funding for surgeries that are desperately needed for orphans. God heard this dear child's cries and this amazing foster home had the room, and funds, to take him in. He spent the first good bit of his time in the hospital - first having a shunt placed (a device that moves excess fluid from his head down to his abdomen to be re-absorbed into his body), then back into the hospital due to a nasty infection at the surgery site that resulted in his shunt be removed. This dear child then endured yet another infection after the removal surgery in which he had to wait for all infection to be clear before he could go back to the hospital, yet again, for a 3rd brain surgery to have another shunt placed. THANK YOU GOD, this one did NOT result in infection and has not had any malfunctions to date!!!
As if this blessed child has not been through enough ... since he did not get the shunt in when he was younger, the sutures in his skull fused when he had a lot of fluid inside it. This just means that his head is VERY large (larger than typical adults), and his little 2 year old body is not able to hold up his massive head. Since he cannot hold up his head, he also is unable to sit, stand, walk, run or jump - things that most 2/3 year olds do on a daily basis. I have been in correspondence with a craniofacial surgeon out of Dallas who has a strong feeling that this sweet boy would be eligible for a surgery that would be able to reshape his very flattened head as well as decrease the overall size and weight of his skull. This would mean that he would be able to start holding his head up independently - hopefully leading to sitting, standing, walking, etc. Can you even imagine?! This amazing child, who I had to request a file to be made for because his orphanage had deemed him "un-adoptable" in a few years, walking, running, talking, jumping ... showing off God's glory!! Oh I can't wait for that day!!!